Sunday, December 11, 2016

Underground Rap Network

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Submit your music to us!  We are continually searching for amazing little known rap and hip-hop artists to promote on this site, and share with our followers.  Our network is small but is ever growing.    Email us at


 Submit a YouTube link or SoundCloud song or whatever you have
available and include a short bio and pic you would like us to use for     
your article.  

  This site is designed to help underground rappers, network, share and build audiences through eachother.   With so much competition in todays music world, each artists needs all the FREE help they can get.

  I.Q.O.  is the IN-HOUSE Underground Rapper from Hartsville TN of this website.  He has been making music since he was a young kid and knows that its not easy to get noticed.  Although I.Q.O.  will most likely always be a part of this website,  we at IQOPRODUCTIONZ.COM love to promote and feature other Artists for no cost, because the network that is created through that helps everyone involved.  

  This site is very new and will evolve over time. We don't want a site (like most underground sites) that is basically just a round about way to try to get you to sign up for something, or send money to someone, to help promote your music.  That's NOT what we want this site to be about.   We are a small operation and will have difficulties answering emails on a second's notice but we will do the best we can.

IQOPRODUCTIONZ also will be increasingly more selective over which content we choose to share the more we refine exactly what type of site this will become.

Featured Post

BEST affordable microphone for recording RAP

Whats it called?   The  Audio-Technica AT2020USB PLUS Cardioid Condenser USB Microphone  is the absolute BEST affordable microphone for a ...

What's Next

Dope Underground Rappers

Click here for up and coming rappers from around the Globe. We are in search of unheard of talent. If you think you are on to something with your music and need new listeners. Email us.

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